Tech Insights

Estate planning: Why this media article should inspire you to engage and act now
By Michele Davis TEP, Head of Succession & Elder Law, Wilson Lawyers

An article has been shared a bit lately, likely because, simply said, it is tragic beyond words and, to many, absolutely unbelievable and unfathomable. One cannot be moved in some way, by this article.

Business Intelligence BI Tip of the Day-Medium Earth Orbit Satellites-MEO-Provide Broadband Capacity to Cruise Passenger, Shipping & Offshore Sectors
By Colleen J. Dolezsar, Director of Sales & Business Development, Microsoft Business Intelligence & Analytics.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the new buzz word among HR professionals. There is an increased awareness on AI and usage of Chatbots among several HR professionals.

How Smart Factories Can Impact and Improve Security
By Megan R. Nichols, Freelance Technical Writer

For all their disruptive potential — and there’s a lot of it — Industry 4.0, the IoT and smart factories also raise the potential for some very real security concerns.

Big Bang Disruption in Healthcare
By Lan Liu, PM Intern,TuSimple

A common scenario in a Chinese pediatrics building at midnight looks like this — baby cries, distraught parents, exhausted doctors with bare sleep, and a long long wait line.

Blockchain Technology – Where Are We Now?
By Joyce J. Shen, Investment Director and Operating Partner, Tenfore Holdings

For most of the market and individuals not working in blockchain space directly, insights into deploying blockchain applications are often anecdotal.

Record Your Health in a Block using Blockchain
By Lilly Desai, Consulting Practice Director, Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd.

was watching an episode of a popular medical series where a senior citizen meets with an accident on his tour and gets admitted to the local hospital in a serious condition.

Reality - A Billion Dollar Industry
By Peggie Koon, CEO & Founder, Leading Change, LLC

In case you haven’t noticed, “Reality” is BIG business. There are “Reality” shows about everything and everyone on every type of media – from FB, Pinterest, YouTube and other SM platforms to television. Reality is all the rage.

Answering 5 frequently asked questions about Organisational Network Analysis
By Chloé Meredith, PhD, People Analytics Consultant, iNostix

In the 2017 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends*, it was stated that the application of organisational network analysis (ONA) would increase exponentially.

How Smart Factories Can Impact and Improve Security
By Megan R. Nichols, Freelance Technical Writer

For all their disruptive potential — and there’s a lot of it — Industry 4.0, the IoT and smart factories also raise the potential for some very real security concerns.

Is It Time For Microsoft To Make Big Cloud Acquisitions?
By SramanaMitra, Founder & CEO, One Million by One Million (1Mby1M) .

When SatyaNadella took over as the CEO of Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT), he had defined his focus on emerging technologies, especially focus on emerging technologies, especially the Cloud. His focus on the segment has stood Microsoft in good stead.

Blockchain In Education Can Do Wonders, Here's Why
By Anjli Jain, Managing Partners, EVC Ventures.

I recently came across a news which says, the global market for blockchain was at $708 million in 2017 which is anticipated to reach $60.7 billion in 2024.

Should Your Business Lease or Own Construction Equipment?
By Megan R. Nichols, Freelance Technical Writer

It's not a secret any longer that infrastructure far and wide needs a lot of attention. Even beyond public works, the future looks ripe with opportunity for construction companies that are ready to capitalize on it.

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